We have volunteer pro bono paralegals who want to do work for you for these cases!  This is a simple and straight to the point post.  We have been working with several larger groups who serve sex trafficking victims, and we have corporate paralegal work we are going to be doing for the attorneys for a set of them.  We are also going to be doing work for attorneys in other countries to help the victims who have been rescued from sex trafficking situations abroad and are now in after care situations.

We have a type of lawsuit that we are going to be doing paralegal work for a set of attorneys to help sex trafficking victims.  The basic aim is to pull down a settlement from the homeowner’s insurance company for the kids and to use it to pay for after care and other things for them now that they have been rescued out of the sex trafficking situation into which they were ensnared.

Many people who have gone through paralegal training have gotten into other types of work, but our organization gleans their services as a resource to you by existing in the middle to coordinate outsourced volunteer pro bono paralegal work to help defray costs for you in doing pro bono and whatever other type of contractually setup lawsuit work you end up entering into an agreement with the kids and their guardians to do for them. 

If you are interested, please call James F. Polk @ 657-234-2232

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